Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Beginning

It all started in 1976. We attended UC Law. Somehow we all graduated. Some of us more easily than others. One lesson I learned is that success in school, at any level, does not necessarily translate to success in the real world and mediocrity in school may be followed by tremendous success in the real world. Ask Bill Gates.

Today, we are mostly grey, a lot more experienced, yet young at heart. Or so I hope.

In the next few months we plan to tour the coffee shops of Cincinnati. If you care about coffee you've been to Starbucks. We've all been there. But there are many cool little coffee shops throughout the City, some noticed, some not, which we want to check out. We'll review the shops and post our ratings here each week. Or so I hope.

In the process, as we are educated in the art of coffee shops and the roasting of beans and characteristics of growing regions, hopefully we'll learn about more than coffee as we, who were all friends in 1979, regenerate our ties to each other, renew our friendships, and learn just what the hell we've been doing the past 30 years. I'm sure we will debate the tumult of the current world economy; and we will celebrate our personal stories of careers, families and friends. Or so I hope.

This is a new beginning for most of us. For the past 30+ years we have raised our children, nurtured our careers, and made new friends at home, at church and in our places of work. We have developed professional ties and charitable responsibilities. It's hard to stay in touch with people who are living separate lives, going in separate directions. But through the death of our very close friend, we have come together and realized what we have missed for so many years. And so we add a new routine to our busy lives, a weekly respite, no pressure, all for fun and adventure. If nothing else, we'll learn a little bit more about coffee, but I have visions of a slightly grander opportunity. Come along for the ride.